Reasons Why Freedom Is More Important Than Security

Words: 488
Pages: 2

Freedom, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Is freedom more important than security? Freedom is a very important aspect of the people, but also we need security to be able to able to lay down in our beds at night and be able to sleep and know that there is that unlikely chance that anything is going to happen to you. When we go the a public place you have that security that you are going to be safe. With that being said Freedom is slightly above security. Us as the people need freedom, you need to be able to state your opinion and not be punished for it. You can still have freedom, but also still have rules. Hobbs said “ freedom is good, but security is better”. If you lived without security you would be scared for your life, and living in constant fear. Security can corrupt the person that is in charge, they have the power and it all goes to their head. Then again you could still end up living in fear right? Yes because with no freedom that means possibly no schooling, stating your opinion, or even down to what you can and can not wear. Without freedom we are just vegetables that can walk. Having freedom means that you have the right to live the way you want, say what you please, do what you want when you want it. We need freedom …show more content…
With people fight for rights puts the society in a tuff spot and can cause conflict. There for your security could be gone. “Congress authorized “roving wiretaps” back in 1986 -- court orders that allow police to monitor criminals even if they switch phones.” If we had just security but no freedom congress wouldn't even have a meeting about “roving wiretaps” they would just be able to do that. They wouldn't even have to have a reason to, because remember so you could have security you gave up all your freedom rights. You would have no privacy whatsoever. You need freedom and security but freedoms is