Red Blood Doping Research Paper

Words: 482
Pages: 2

There are five types of prohibited drugs such as Human Growth Hormone, Blood Doping, Anabolic Steroids, Stimulants, and Erythropoietin (EPO) which are in doping classes. The most ordinary are anabolic steroids and blood doping ( “Doping in sport”, 2015). According to Lee (2006) the most usual are anabolic steroids which help athletes to train harder and build more muscle since anabolic steroids boost protein synthesis. Anabolic steroids usually use with tablet form or injection with needle. Second crucial type is blood doping. Athletes wish that the growth of red blood cells will boost the oxygen intake level in their body. The normal male person’s blood includes 40 to 50 percents red blood cells which bring oxygen to muscles but in the doped