Redneck Yoga Essay

Submitted By shane21murrow
Words: 583
Pages: 3

Redneck Yoga

Physical labor is very rewarding for me. It’s the best way for me to clear my mind and relax. I can’t get this feeling from staring at a computer screen for hours every day. It’s a great way to stay in shape and it keeps the mind young with problem solving. I’m the kind of man that likes to step back and admire a job well done. Seeing that my hard work has paid off gives me a feeling of achievement. Even during the summers I choose to work outside rather than inside, in the air conditioning. I like the feeling of the sun light hitting me and taking deep breaths of fresh air. With college this way of relaxing and exercising has been reduced to only the weekends when I don’t work and I am able to drive three hours home. When I do happen to make it home I take full advantage of the opportunity to go play in the mud, and get some work done outside. Two summers ago our yard looked like the equivalent of a hippie that hadn’t had a haircut in a long time. The trees and bushes were over grown, the sidewalk was covered by grass that had taken root in the cracks of the sidewalk, and the whole yard was infested with different variations of weeds.

I took it upon myself to dedicate a whole day to the restoration of my family’s yard. I started with the trimming of the trees. I literally climbed in the trees with a hand saw and started sawing down the limbs, one by one. My friends driving by would stop and ask “what did you do to deserve this punishment?” I smiled at them and said “it just needs to be done.” After sawing for three hours, I had finally finished the tree trimming, and it was time to move onto the edging of the sidewalk. I got my edger out and started hacking away at the overgrown grass. We live on a corner so that means I have an extra side to edge. When I was finished edging, after three more hours, I placed all the cuttings of grass in the back of my truck. It filled the bed of the truck