Reflection On Senior Transition

Words: 426
Pages: 2

I, Security Officer Clifton Wilson was paged via pager by senior transition. I called the Senior Transition Department and (I don’t remember who I had talk to.) Told me that Mr. Robert (Bob) Sears had taken a dust mop off of Mary’s (Environment Services) cleaning cart. I made my way to the 5th floor. Once on the floor and walked around the nurses station. I seen three staff members and Mr. Sears fighting over a dust mop. Mr. Sears was pulling so hard for the dust mop and at an angle. I fear he was going to fall backwards or was able to get the dust mop a ways from staff members and fall backwards and then hit someone with the dust mop. I walk up be hide him (Mr. Sears) and placed my right arm under his right armpit and my left arm over his