Reflective Essay: My Experience At The Early College Program

Words: 739
Pages: 3

My experience at the early college program was the greatest and hardest obstacle I had to successfully achieve and it shaped me to the student I am today. The first lesson I learned during my first two years at the program was perseverance. No matter how hard the classes became or the amount of work I had every night, I learned I had to keep trying. To me, the fast pace of learning new material and achieving excellent grades in all my classes was new. Before I entered the program I did not have to study for my classes and work as hard to receive satisfactory grades. At my high school I quickly understood I had to adapt to a different learning style since my courses were more challenging. In addition, I was now surrounded by students who were admirably intelligent and this meant I had competition. If I wanted to stay at top of my class then I had to make sure I understood the material, ask questions during class, and, of course, stay up late to study. The first two years of the …show more content…
Before I took my college courses I was used to having adults telling me what to do at school. Now that I was in a college environment, I had more freedom and more temptation from straying away from my goals. For example, my college schedule was focused on bringing myself to school and being on time for all of my classes. I remember struggling with completing my work on time since the instructors did not remind me about completing it and going to class when I was not “in the mood” to go. However, thankfully that changed once I realized being responsible was important so I could graduate. My biggest fear was failing the program and becoming responsible was the only way I could prevent that. When I made the decision to take full responsibility about my future it helped prepare me to behave as an adult and continue to focus on my