Reginald Rose's Personal Bias In 12 Angry Men

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Would you want people deciding whether you die or not to let you down with their own personal bias? This type of situation consisted in the movie 12 Angry Men and I think that personal biases should never determine if somebody will die or be imprisoned, However, in the movie/play the guilty verdict was able to be stopped before it was too late. At first the little things in a case might not seem like much at first but in the outcome it could determine somebody’s future, whether it’s for the better or the worst. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose, Jurors #3 and #4 use bias as a reason for their vote while Jurors #8 and #9 use ethos, and logos to convince the other jurors to vote not guilty.
Jurors #3 and #4 use grudge and a class bias as a reason
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There are many examples throughout the movie but for me these two juror were the ones who made the most impact. For example, in the movie #4 began saying his evidence as to why he was guilty and claimed that it was obscured that he couldn’t remember the movies he had went to go see the night of the murder, so juror #8 began asking him questions about the last he had gone the movies, However towards the end he began struggling and at one point juror #8 had asked him “Who else was in it? NO.4: I’ve heard of him before..uhh an expensive feature and unknown. NO.8: And you weren’t under and emotional stress were you?” NO.4: (looks down)” This quote shows importance but it also proves a representation of both ethos and logos because it proves both that it is logical to forget the little details if you’re feeling emotional. Another example that there was use of logos was when juror #9 says in the movie “NO. 9: You don't wear them to bed. NO.4: Of course not. NO. one wears eyeglasses to bed.” This quote is highly important to the verdict because the old lady was key evidence for why he should be pleaded guilty by all of them. However #9 had just proved them otherwise since the old lady wore glasses and she didn’t have them on when she saw the killer, so she couldn’t quite be as reliable as she was