Essay about Religion vs Science

Words: 1340
Pages: 6


Aliha Nasrullah
Prof. P. Costello
October 15, 2014


Modern Condition: Paper I
Comparison and Contrast between Religion and Science


Whenever creationists and opponents of religion are brought together to

discuss evolution and creationism, we are often coerced to choose between believing in the creation of mankind by an All-Powerful deity or accepting the theory of evolution; we must choose between religion and science. However, while I was researching for this paper, I couldn’t help asking myself if I must solely ascribe myself to ‘Team Religion’ or ‘Team Science’. Is opting for either of the two options a fair demand to begin with?
Can’t one believe in the existence of God and simultaneously accept the theory of evolution? Must we believe that religion and science are two opposite extremes that can never exist side-by-side? Although many believe that it is virtually impossible for one to agree with the teachings of modern science and also call oneself an adherent of a certain religious belief, I believe that religion and science are two separate entities that play an integral part in an individual’s life and can continue to coexist. While science gives us a rational explanation for all that is natural and helps man satiate his desire to know more, religion gives man emotional comfort for all that science hasn’t explained yet. Both religion and science are two intertwining paths that may join or bifurcate at different points, but still help man reach the same final goal: acceptance of uncertainty in life.




|| "Science investigates, religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control." - Martin Luther King, Jr. [2]


Man, due to his inquisitive nature has always had a constant urge to know the

unknown. His detestation for uncertainty had become his agency to tirelessly work towards unraveling mysteries of the unknown. Many countless phenomena in the natural world left the early man awestruck and incited him to learn more about how these phenomena (then unknown to him) came into being. Whenever the early man saw water droplets pouring down from the heavens or saw a ball of blazing light from the skies that caused a fire on the land, his mind began to ceaselessly work to answer the myriad of questions that began to boggle his mind. But along with his questions about how and what, came his emotions such as fear and joy. While man continued to find a rational answer to his questions, he still needed a belief system to get him through his times of emotional ups and downs. Man needed to have faith to walk him through his days of ‘fire-fear’ and give him hope to look forward to the ‘days of soft rains’. Through the ages, as man gradually progressed, his ability to explain these observed natural happenings also improved simultaneously. As man transitioned physically and mentally, his explanations for all these phenomena also transitioned with him. From the belief in fire angels and demons or a displeased All Powerful Deity to the modern thermochemical explanation [1] for the existence of fire, man’s answers to these questions became more and more rational with time.
Although humans today have become much more science-oriented, there is still an ever-increasing number of humans that still continue to ascribe themselves to some




religion or belief system, no matter how hackneyed the concept of religion might seem. Despite science being the most reasonable way to solve mysteries of the natural world, there are countless other questions that still remain unanswered and might remain unsolved for an umpteen amount of time. No matter how much mankind progresses, the element of uncertainty and not-knowing would always remain embedded in man’s life and haunt him till the end. Even though the questions man sought to answer back then, have now been solved through science, there will always