Religious Accommodative Techniques

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Pages: 2

I am writing this email to inform you of some information I have learned regarding the implication of Christian counseling techniques. These techniques could potentially be used to future research conducted during counseling sessions.
McCullough (1999) conducted a meta-analysis examining data from five studies (N=111) to compare the effects of religion-accommodative techniques to standard techniques on counseling for depression. The study concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that religious-accommodative approaches were more effective than standard approaches, but that it could be a preference for religious clients. However, there has not been any research to determine whether religious-accommodative approaches provide the client with different improvements or satisfaction versus standard approaches.
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Even though the article states that the results were not significant, 92% of the United States is religious. With a percentage this high, it is important for the counseling session to be client-based and the counselor to be able to provide an effective treatment method either religion-accommodative or a standard approach. Many scholars acknowledge that certain forms of religious involvement are associated with better functioning on a variety of measures of mental health (e.g., Bergin, 1991: Bergin. Masters, & Richards, 1987: Larson et al., 1992” Pargament, 1997: Schumaker, 1992: Worthington, Kurusu, McCullough, & Sandage, 1996). By implementing religious-accommodative approaches, counselors can support clients and their religious beliefs by providing them with a treatment method that can be most