Remember The Titans Character Analysis

Words: 871
Pages: 4

Gerry and Julius have positive influences on characters throughout 'Remember the Titans' directed by Boaz Yakin and set in the turbulent year 1971 in Virginia, Alexandra. Gerry is a resilient and trustworthy leader who is not hindered by race. Julius is Courageous, unafraid to speak his mind and shows leadership. Gerry has a positive influence on Julius and the rest of the team. Julius also has a positive influence on the team and a positive influence on Gerry Bertier. Gerry and Julius help the director to convey messages throughout the movie. Gerry Bertier is a resilient and trustworthy leader who is not hindered by race. Gerry shows strong resilience when he is in a car accident and he is in a car accident and he doesn't sit on his hands feeling sorry for himself. This is shown when he says to coach Yoast "coach I'm hurt, not dead.' The implication of this is that Gerry is showing leadership even when something negative happens in his life. This scene is shot using close-up to display the expressions of Gerry. Gerry shows trustworthiness when he kicks Ray off the team because Ray is having a negative impact on the team. This scene is shot using an over …show more content…
Gerry has positive influence on the Julius because he tells Julius that he is "Nothing. Nothing but a waste of God-given talent." This shows Julius that Gerry cares more about character rather than race. Gerry says this because he has started to realize that black people are still people. This scene is shot using a two shot to show the expressions of Julius and Gerry. Gerry Bertier also had a positive influence on the team because by becoming friends of Julius the team started to become friends with the other blacks as well because Gerry is the leader. Boaz wants to display the message of people being able to change their ways from being ignorant to being open minded. To summarize this, Gerry has a positive influence on Julius and the