Research: Dna and Amino Acids Essay

Submitted By meramm
Words: 1942
Pages: 8

DNA and Protein Synthesis 1. The Swiss biochemist who in 1868 discovered DNA was a) Friedrich Miescher. b) Robert Feulgen. c) Alfred Mirsky. d) Max Delbruck. 2. The experiment in which it was shown that DNA is the genetic material in bacteriophages is the a) Meselson-Stahl experiment. b) Franklin-Wilkins experiment. c) Hershey-Chase experiment. d) Delbruck-Luria experiment. 3. The x-ray crystallography studies of Franklin and Wilkins showed that a) DNA contains only four kinds of nucleotides. b) DNA is a helix of uniform diameter. c) the amount of adenine found in DNA equals the amount of thymine. d) the same base-pairing rules apply to all species. 4. Genetic information in a DNA molecule is coded in the a) sequence of nucleotides. b) base pairings. c) proportion of each base present. d) the turning pattern of the helix. 5. The two strands of a double helix model of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between a) sugar and phosphate groups. b) sugars and nitrogenous bases. c) phosphate groups and nitrogenous bases. d) nitrogenous bases. 6. In a single strand from a DNA molecule, nucleotides are linked by covalent bonds between a) sugar and phosphate groups. b) sugars and nitrogenous bases. c) phosphate groups and nitrogenous bases. d) nitrogenous bases. 7. The number of cytosine bases in a DNA molecule a) is equal to the number of uracil bases. b) is equal to the number of guanine bases. c) is equal to the number of adenine bases. d) cannot be predicted. 8. If the sequence of bases along one side of a DNA molecule is AAGCT, then the complementary sequence of bases on the other side of the DNA molecule is a) AAGCT b) GGTAC c) UUCGA d) TTCGA 9. Which of the following is characteristic of DNA replication? a) Each of the two newly formed molecules contains one newly constructed sugar-phosphate strand and one sugar-phosphate strand from the original molecule. b) One of the newly formed molecules contains two newly constructed sugar-phosphate strands, and the other contains both sugar-phosphate strands from the original molecule. c) Both of the newly formed molecules contain newly constructed sugar-phosphate strands. d) Both of the newly formed molecules contain uracil instead of thymine. 10. The basic monomers used in DNA replication are a) glucose. b) DNA nucleotides. c) RNA nucleotides. d) amino acids. 11. The exact replication of DNA is possible due to a) the genetic code. b) mitosis. c) the base-pairing rules. d) the fact that the DNA molecules are enclosed within a nuclear membrane. 12. Which enzyme catalyses the synthesis of a new strand for a DNA molecule, by linking nucleotides to the developing strand? a) DNA ligase b) DNA polymerase c) single-strand binding proteins d) Topoisomerase 13. In DNA replication, the helix is unwound by which type of enzyme? a) Topoisomerase b) Primase c) DNA polymerase d) Helicase 14. The "recipe" for constructing each enzyme is located within the a) DNA molecules. b) ribosomes. c) polysomes. d) ribosomal RNA molecules. 15. The metabolic activity of the different cell types within an organism varies because of differences in the kinds of a) genes in each cell. b) ribosomes in each cell. c) enzymes in each cell. d) nucleoli in each cell. 16 Transcription is the transfer of the genetic code from a DNA molecule to a a) RNA molecule. b) sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule. c) second DNA molecule d) ribosomal subunit 17. After transcription takes place, the DNA molecule a) moves to a ribosome. b) disintegrates into its component nucleotides. c) replicates itself. d) reassociates to form its original structure. 18. The number of cytosine bases in a mRNA molecule a) is equal to the number of uracil bases. b) is equal to the number of thymine bases.