Essay on Research: Low Ambition

Submitted By Davidmu
Words: 457
Pages: 2

Your boss has just assigned you to lead a team with a mix of full-time, part-time, and temporary staff.
You're feeling unsure about this new team, because you sense that some of its members have no real desire to advance their careers.
You soon realize that the management strategies you've used in the past aren't going to work here. After all, you won't be able to motivate these people in the same way as team members who want to advance their careers. And you can't keep dangling a raise in front of them - your department would go broke!
So how do you manage and motivate people who have no interest in learning new skills, or advancing their careers?
In this article we'll explore strategies and tips that you can use when managing and motivating people with low ambition. We'll look at various scenarios, and we'll cover management and motivational strategies that you can use with these people.
Defining "Low Ambition"
When we use the term "low ambition" in this article, we're using the term in a broad sense. We don't necessarily mean that these people aren't ambitious - just that they don't wish to learn new skills or advance their careers right now.
For instance, you might be managing a busy parent who's working in a part-time, entry-level role, and simply wants the opportunity to earn a small wage and have regular social interaction. All of his spare "emotional energy" is focused on supporting his family.
Or, you might have a person on your team who considers her role as just a short-term job, while she waits for a convenient time to return to college to continue her education.
Even people in highly-skilled roles may be happy where they are in their careers - they've learned the