Research: Non-profit Organization and Phoenix Group Essay

Submitted By lswilson12
Words: 819
Pages: 4

Team C – Consulting Engagement Paper
Charva Williams, Teresa Williams, Julie Educate, Laura-Leigh Wilson, Maureen Knight
September 8, 2013
Steve Axelrod Team C is tasked with creating a consulting firm. Team C decided to focus on forming a consulting firm specifically geared toward work with non-profit organizations, specifically in a human resources capacity. This paper will describe the type of consulting firm Team C is creating. Additionally the paper will focus on the types of issues and problems a consulting firm like this will encounter and how the consulting firm will deal with these obstacles. Included in this essay is also a description of the types of services the consulting company will provide. Finally, the essay will argue that this type of consulting firm is ideally suited for the members of Team C based on the individuals strengths and skill sets.

The Phoenix Group was founded in August of 2013 by Chrava Williams who had a passion to better equip non-profit agencies her community to service families and individuals in high crisis demographics. With the assistance of grant writer Maureen Knight, The Phoenix Group was able to acquire funds to reach out to college students obtaining degrees in human services for further experience through internships with local organizations. The Phoenix Group is well versed in their experience in training professionals who are looking to work with various cultural dynamics. As a leader in their field Phoenix has assisted in the hiring process for many organizations looking to obtain new talent in the working market. Over time technology has allowed non –profits to reach out to more consumers in various neighborhoods which were not available to them before. However, as technology advances, organizations look to Phoenix to train and recommend e-tools which are user friendly and allow professionals to keep track of cases with minimal paperwork. It is Phoenix Consulting Firm’s pleasure to assist in the advancement of non-profits across the country.

Many companies seek the help of human resource consultants to help mold their business into a professional work environment. During this process some issues will arise. However, The Phoenix Group is a group of consultants who are well-qualified to handle any issues that may arise. One of the firm's most challenging issues is to build and maintain a talented and trustworthy employee base. An effective way of overcoming this issue is for the consultant to participate in the hiring process. By participating in the hiring cycle, consultants can ensure that companies hire qualified employees to fill positions. Another issue that may arise is dealing with clients who have conflicting code of ethics. Consultants will face a conflict with clients on a regular basis. The Phoenix Group has a code of ethics that consultants use to make decisions that are in the best interest of the firm and client. Lastly, another issue that consultants may have to face is developing the company's communication skills. Communication skills are an essential part of building a successful business. An effective way for consultants to encourage excellent communication skills is to set high expectations and provide training for any short comings.

The human resources department is a critical aspect of any organization but specifically when achieving the missions and goals of a non-profit organization. The Phoenix Group consists of highly