“Same-sex marriage permits couples of the same gender to enter legally-recognized marriages and provides them with the same legal rights as couples in heterosexual relationships” (Same-Sex Marriage). “Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that the institution of marriage should apply to only unions between one man and one woman. Allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, they say, undermines the institution of marriage” (Same-Sex Marriage).
Where the Issue Stands Today
“In America, six states plus D.C. allow same-sex couples to marry, three more respect marriages of same-sex couples validly preformed in other states, eight provide civil unions or comprehensive domestic partnerships, and three more …show more content…
Specific Differences in Benefits:
“Marriage: Over 1,049 federal and state level benefits, Civil Unions: Over 300 state level benefits” (Johnson)
“Tax Relief. Marriage: Couples can file both federal and state tax returns jointly. Civil Unions: Couples can only file jointly in the state of civil registration” (Johnson).
“Medical Decisions. Marriage: Partners can make emergency medical decisions. Civil Unions: Partners can only make medical decisions in the registered state. Partners may not be able to make decisions out of state” (Johnson).
“Death Benefits. Marriage: In the case of a partner's death, the spouse receives any earned Social Security or veteran benefits. Civil Unions: Partners do not receive Social Security or any other government benefits in case of death” (Johnson).
“Child/Spousal Support. Marriage: In case of divorce, individuals may have a legally-binding financial obligation to spouses and children. Civil Unions: In the case of dissolution , no such spousal or child benefits are guaranteed or required out of state” (Johnson).
“Immigration Rights. Marriage: U.S. citizens and legal residents can sponsor their spouses and family members for immigration. Civil Unions: U.S. citizens and legal residents cannot sponsor non-legal spouses or family members” (Johnson).
Public and Political Opinions
“According to