Fashion Of The 1920s

Submitted By jaarule
Words: 875
Pages: 4

Fashion of the 1920’s The influence of the 1920’s can be seen in our fashion today. During this time period, the fashion industry hit a turning point and began to evolve. The 1920’s is honored because of the changes of magazines, like Vogue, that began to flourish. This led people to be well informed on new trends, also the style for women shifted from practicality to looks, and men’s fashion transformed. The magazine of Vogue hit many turning points during the 1920’s. Vogue was started in 1892, but was not distributed from America around the world until 1912, this later became British Vogue, nicknamed “Brogue.” “She was a fan of literature and wished to transform Vogue into a magazine more about literary content then about “stays and . . . petticoats.” Vogue’s American office took offense to this as they believed the magazine had always been a “stimulating guide to the arts” without focusing on literature primarily.” Vogue’s editor from 1922 to 1926 was Miss Dorthy Todd who remodeled the reason and material inside of Vogue. Instead of focusing on the arts and fashion she added literature, thus leading to Vogue loosing buyer and getting her fired. Someone soon came into replace her and yet again reshape Vogue. Vogue returned to their old ways of producing high fashion magazines, and began to flourish again, but was aimed for the wealthier class. “ Readers of British Vogue in the 1920s were socially elite or wished to be part of the socially elite.” The editor, Nast, did not intend the magazine to be read by mass audiences, but mostly the wealthy. Nast says Vogue was to be “a magnet that would draw out only the golden ones.” Vogues changes helped them get to their success now. Ladies fashion of the 1920’s reached a major change and went from practicality to looks. A massive change if the era was the corset was no longer used., and under garments were revised. “Since the 1920's, the camisole has been taken from being an undergarment to being both an undergarment and outer garment. Camisoles are one of the most widely used staple wardrobe item among women of all ages and backgrounds.” The fit of style changes and adapted to something appealing to the eye, still movable, and that is used today. This camisole was the replacement of the corset, and became a universal product. The camisole was an all in one item to have. At this time, glamour was beginning to bloom. The motion picture industry and female actresses impacted this maneuver into glamour and cosmetics. “For women, face, figure, coiffure, posture and grooming had become important fashion factors in addition to clothing.” Cosmetics became a major industry within fashion and people were now focused on how their outer appearance looked, or how close they looked like the famous actresses. The practical thing to do would not be focused on appearance, but looks began to change and so did peoples view. As people grew more into fashion the styles and ideas evolved. Mens fashion all together went through a change of style. For men in the 1920’s suit jackets and trousers were the in thing which reshaped in the decade, but a bigger change was the transfer of fabrics. This was a drastic a drastic swap. “Instead of the heavy wools of earlier periods, tweed became very popular. Tweed is a hand-woven fabric made of wool that originated in