Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding

Submitted By paiger2012
Words: 367
Pages: 2

Once a baby is born a flood of questions and concerns arise for both of the parents. The number one question that pops up is, "How will we feed our baby”? Breast feeding and bottle feeding have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I feel breast feeding is the right choice to make. During the babies first year, he or she will more than triple their total body weight, due to consuming a certain type of milk. A mother who breast feeds will allow the baby to receive a huge amount of nutritional benefits. The amino acids in the breast milk, the building blocks of proteins are well balanced in the baby. The baby’s intestinal tract is aided in the digestion by vitamins, enzymes, and minerals found in breast milk. The mother also passes infection fighting antibodies believed create a reduced risk for acute and chronic infections early in life. Most importantly, cholesterol promotes brain growth for the baby. The only concern with breast feeding that comes to mind is the fact siblings and dad will often feel “left out” of the babies care since mom is the only one who can do the nursing. Although this disadvantages arises does not mean it can’t be fixed. The other family members can be involved by helping with other aspects of the babies care as in bathing or dressing.

Even though, mothers have the choice of breast feeding and formula feeding some mothers only have one choice which is usually having to formula feed. I favor breast feeding but formula feeding can also be an