Research Paper Eng 112

Submitted By Amer-Aintrazi
Words: 1573
Pages: 7

Amer Antrazi
Mrs. Alexander
The wide scale effects of Globalization on the textile industry While researching texts and the internet about the wide scale effects of globalization on the clothing and textile industries, there were numerous authors who published books about globalization. Particularly articles, scholarly journals, documentaries, and newspapers. There is a constant debate over whether or not globalization should be stopped, because of the inhuman working conditions the factories put on their workers. Also because of the wealth gap it has created between the rich and the poor, the idea of globalization was supposed to distribute wealth amongst the people but in fact it has done the exact opposite. A marvelous book named "Where Am I Wearing" the author Kelsey Timmerman had a dream to travel the world and meet the people who made the clothes that he wore, and he did exactly that. His first sweatshop that he infiltrated was in the Bangladesh what he witnessed was truly terrible, uneducated children as young as seven years old working in dreadful conditions. In response to this crises Bangladeshi and the United States governments along with other international organizations such as the ILO (international labor organization) subsidized schools for the underage children to attend until they were of working age. When Timmerman interviewed these children they told him that they would rather be working in these conditions than not be working at all, the money they earn provide food, water and shelter for them and their families. The ILO should make a law that states no children under the age of sixteen are permitted to work. For the purpose of learning more about the people who make Levis blue jeans, Timmerman traveled to Cambodia to meet the factory workers and to get a look at the factories itself. He learned that the average uneducated factor worker makes approximately 45$ and 70$ per week, depending on how much overtime they work. The group of girls he interviewed live in a 96-square-foot room with only one bathroom, which eight girls share. The average American has a hundred times more room than they have. The majority of the woman in Cambodia leave there homes in the village to come to the city of Phnom Penh to work in a garment factory, they send home a large portion of their earnings to support their families. With this being the case it is fair to say these factory owners should give their employees a raise However as the worldwide production and consumption increases we use more resources, especially water and fossil fuels. “We are so far removed from the realities of production and work that we inhabited a dream world of artificial stimuli and televised experience.” (Fredrick Jameson) globalization on the textile industries have become a must because the worldwide population continues to increase, and with this increase it demands more products for the consumers. Also it has made the average human richer, and rich people tend to use more of everything especially energy, globalization is not a zero sum game. Even though globalization on the textile industries make the rich people even more rich it still provides necessary jobs to those who need them. For a Vietnamese worker stitching shoes in a factory for the USA it offers her a secure longer healthier life then if those shoes were made in the USA. We are currently in a recession so we should keep more factories in the United States of America to provide better lives for Americans as well. Globalization on textiles and clothing industries has caused a life changing effect on people all around the globe.
Considering this, Indonesia has become incredibly poor because of the effect of globalization. Globalization is supposed to relieve poverty by distributing the wealth among the people of a nation, but in reality it has not. The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming greater. Indonesian workers are paid one dollar a day,