Research Paper On The Fog Horn

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Pages: 2

Short Story Essay “…the grindstone begins to turn, and time with all its changes is ground away – and I remember Doodle. In The Fog Horn, there were two men working in a lighthouse. Once a year a monster swims to the lighthouse to visit it thinking it’s one its kinds. When the monster realizes the lighthouse isn’t like him, he destroys it. In The Scarlet Ibis, a boy named Doodle is born with a tiny body. No one expected him to live past his first year, but he did. Brother feels embarrassed about Doodle because Brother is forced to take Doodle everywhere he goes. Therefore, Brother decides to teach Doodle to walk. However, Brother works his body too hard. Then one day, it was raining, lightning struck Doodle and he died. Short stories communicate the most important concerns of the human heart because they convey a message the reader is able to connect to. …show more content…
In The Fog Horn, a monster comes by the lighthouse once a year. “It learned you can’t love anything too much…” Once the monster realized the lighthouse wasn’t a monster, he destroyed it. A main theme throughout The Fog Horn is loneliness. “I’ll make a sound so alone no one will miss it.” This foreshadows the monsters’ feelings at the end of the story. The need for companionship caused the monster to destroy the lighthouse and showed he should’ve valued it. Always value something important because it could be gone the next day. Most people value family members, but in The Scarlet Ibis, Brother didn’t value Doodle until after Doodle died. “Of course he wasn’t crazy, crazy …but he was nice, crazy. This shows Brother did care for Doodle, even though his actions didn’t show it. “There’s within me… a knot of cruelty.” Brother realized he was mean to Doodle when looking back at his childhood. When looking back in life, Brother knew he was cruel to Doodle and he wished he could change his