Response To Abortion Law

Words: 1516
Pages: 7

Part A
After reviewing the law proposed by Ms. Simple, I think that the law will work well and it will lower the number of rape cases and reduce delinquency and sexual abuse in New York State. As she proposed, every person who uses dating apps should prove their gender, legal name, and age as it is listed in the birth certificate. This is an efficient and safe regulation that will allow people to use dating apps without the worry that something can happen if there is an encounter with someone who use the app and hide their true identities to take advantages of others. Despite of the good solution created by the law, the law does not work well for transgender people.That is why transgender are sending letters to express their disapproval of the law. Transgender people are upset, because the gender on their birth certificate does not correspond to their gender preference. They are
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As we mentioned in the 14th Amendment people should not be derived from decisions related to a person’s body. Despite many women always obstacles when they are trying to get an abortion. Supreme Court decisions allows women to have an abortion before the third trimester, however, some local governments have put restraints and regulations that make it difficult, sometimes impossible to have an abortion. As we learned in class there are two types of due process. The first is procedural process, the right to trial, know the allegations against one etc, and the second is substantive due process, the right to liberty,life and property. Substantive due process is about people's rights and if the government wants to regulate any law regarding people’s right the government must meet a heightened standard of scrutiny if there is a fundamental right at issue. If there is not, then there should be a rational review to see if there is a government legitimate interest or if the law is rational