Response to questions on nursing Essay

Submitted By Idessa-Butler
Words: 376
Pages: 2

Question Nursing
Kavilanz, P. (2010). Some Nurses Paid More than Family Doctors Retrieved June 28, 2010, from

1. Why do primary care physicians feel like “second class citizens”?
Primary care physicians feel like “second class” citizens because of how much they are being compensated for their services. Nurses are being paid much more than they are and primary care physicians are barely making it. With this being said, it is almost unfair for physicians to not be compensated fairly since they completed the proper schooling.

2. If you were to undergo surgery, would it be alright with you to have a CRNA manage your anesthesia? Why or why not?
No, it would not be alright for a CRNA to administer anesthesia because there are people out there that have been to school for this type of work to do it correctly. Also, what this does is it puts a lot more pressure on nurses therefore giving them a higher risk of making a mistake on me. This is why it is important to administer things this accordingly, so one person does not feel too overwelmed.

Yetter, D., Halladay, J. (2010). Nursing Covering more Health Care Retrieved March 12, 2010, from

1. Why are more nurse practitioners managing primary care clinics?
More nurses are taking over primary care clinics because of the shortage of primary care physicians in clinics. Another key