Response To Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

Words: 368
Pages: 2

The Lottery

Dear Destiney, Today in class we read a short story called “the Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. First, in this story all the people in the village gather around. A guy named Joe came out with a big black box while everyone surrounded him. Next he called out one by one a person from each family to draw a piece of paper out of the box. Everyone calmy did as told. Tessie Hutcherson ran up to crown from home. She joked about how she forgot that the lottery was today. After everyone had drawn they opened their papers. All of them were blank except Bill Hutcherson’s, who had a black dot on it. Bill’s wife, Tessie, started screaming “It isn’t fair!” Then joe placed four blank papers back into the box along with Bill’s black dot paper. Everyone