Revenge In Hamlet Research Paper

Words: 452
Pages: 2

The death of a parent can be a traumatizing experience and a cause for revenge. In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Prince Hamlet of Denmark is haunted by his father’s ghost, which tells him to exact vengeance on his murderer, tying the prince to that responsibility for the rest of the play. King Hamlet of Denmark is poisoned by his brother, Claudius who later marries his wife, Queen Gertrude and becomes king in his place. After the ghost gives him the mission Hamlet devises a plan to avenge his father spirit.

First, the connection between the past and Hamlet is made through a ghost who claims to be his father, and tells him to avenge his death. The ghost first makes contact with Hamlet in act 1, scene 5 and tells him "so art thou to avenge, when thou shalt hear." (page 57, line 12) ordering him to avenge his father's spirit and revealing himself "I am thy father's spirit" (page 57, line 14). Hamlet accepts this connection to the past by binding himself to "sweep to [his] revenge"(page 59, line 37), making him the avenger of the death of his father. This interchange between Prince Hamlet and the ghost marks the pays being put into motion by Hamlet's promise.

Next, Hamlet's revenge is completed when he poisons his uncle, King Claudius. Hamlet decides to kill the king by poisoning him,
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Laertes fences with Hamlet with a blade, which Claudius has poisoned as well as a goblet as a backup plan to kill Hamlet. The poisoned blade is put into action "Laertes wounds Hamlet. Then in scuffling they change rapiers, and Hamlet wounds Laertes"(page 279, lines 331-332) resulting in both of their deaths rather than just Hamlet's. The death of Hamlet represents the danger of being linked to past so fiercely that death is the result. The death of his father, causes him grief and he abhors his mother from moving on too soon and his uncle for killing Hamlet's