Reverend Hale The Crucible

Words: 318
Pages: 2

Reverend Hale’s character in The Crucible grows to understand that jumping to conclusions and judging too quickly will most likely never result in anything good. This is one of the most valuable lessons Hale learns , which causes him to change and develop throughout the course of the witch hunt. Reverend Hale is a specialist in witchcraft and was always certain that he was right;, however, after many misconceptions, he switches his state of mind. In the beginning of the play, he accuses Tituba of bewitching Betty over insignificant evidence. “You must certainly do and you will free her from it now!”(178 fix citations later). He harshly threatens the life of the Barbados slave to confess. As the play continues, Reverend Hale realizes what he is doing is wrong and tries to stop further accusations by quitting his job in court. …show more content…
During the witch hunt, the girls were falsely accusing many others of witchcraft. The court had no way of determining whether these allegations were correct or not so they hanged the accused without fair trials. “Excellency, he claims hard evidence for his wife's defense. I think that in all justice you must-” (78). At this point, many had been accused, and, due to the fact that everyone was jumping to conclusions, many had been hanged, although there was concrete evidence saying