Reversal Of Fortune In Sophocles Oedipus The King

Words: 301
Pages: 2

The play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is a prototype for Aristotle’s idea of a tragic hero story. Aristotle’s prototype for a story of a tragic hero includes a reversal of fortune, a recognition of dark truths, and a calamity at the end of the play, which is evident in the play through the protagonist Oedipus. A reversal of fortune is when the plot seems to be driving to one direction but it leads to something completely different. Accordingly, Oedipus experiences a reversal of fortune after he hears from the messenger that Polybus, his father from Corinth, died from natural causes. This news seemed favourable at first because this disproves the prophecy that Oedipus will kill his father. However, when the messenger reveals that “Polybus was not