Review Of Ellie Wiesel's Perils Of Indifference Speech

Words: 316
Pages: 2

In Ellie Wiesel's the perils of indifference speech he states. "In a way, to be indifferent to that suffering makes the human being inhuman." This means to have no voice towards people suffering your hurting your fellow humans. Like the holocaust, no one had a voice during their most painful time in their life. So we need to have a voice now to remember the survivors and victims. In Ellie Wiesel's the perils of indifference speech he states." And now we learned, we discovered the pentagon knew. And the illustrious occupant of the white house then, who was a great leader and I say with some great anguish and pain." They were abandoned for so many years they suffered and endured unimaginable pain. We need to remember the survivors and