Review Of Harrison Bergeron's Credo: What Does It Mean To Be Free

Words: 368
Pages: 2

What Does It Mean To Be Free?

This question is difficult to ask someone who hasn’t read about, learned about, or experienced freedom. What it really means, what it can look like in the small ways or even large ways, and what it feels like to truly experience freedom. The book ‘My Perspectives’ has a unit about freedom. “Credo: What I believe”, “Harrison Bergeron”, and I will share what freedom means to me. I know that sometimes freedom is hard to grasp onto, but it is not the thought of freedom, it is the feeling you have. Credo: What I Believe, is a short story about what the author thinks about ideas. He quotes “I believe that you have the absolute right to think things that I find offensive... and that I do not have the right to kill