Review Of Mayella Ewell's Shoes '

Words: 523
Pages: 3

If I were to walk a mile in Mayella Ewell's shoes I probably would have done the same thing as her. First, it is very clear that Mayella has no friends or connection to the real world whatsoever. Mayella is forced to stay home to do chores, take care of her many siblings, etc. Therefore I would go crazy living in that trashy, crowded house as well. The only normal human interaction she gets is from the occasional black male that walks by her house. Not only does he walk past her house frequently, but he also tips his hat off to her as a polite gesture. Mayella, being naive and not right in the head, would think that this tip of the hat is a flirtatious gesture while it is merely an everyday gesture. Of course she would want to talk to this