Rhetorical Analysis Of Althoug's Speech

Words: 319
Pages: 2

The occasion I selected is a eulogy for the speaker grand father,my presenter used extemporaneous speaking, this form of speaking is similar to having a conversation with the audience rather than presenting it to them and only briefly referred to his notes.

My presenter used humor throughout his presentation, and was successful in keeping his audience engaged throughout the eulogy the audience broke out in uncontrollable laughter The speaker painted a truly unforgettable memory of his grand father for his family and friends to think about.The presenter did used a script because periodically he would glance down, although the majority of the speech came from the great memories he shared with his grand farther.

The speaker also used hand motions to underscore the important points in his speech, unfortunately he did not use the pace in the front of the room very much but from what I can see he did not have much room to maneuver. The speak used repetition when describing attributes of his grand father In the speech.
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The presenter used rhetorical devise repetition, to describe the superior qualities within his grand farther; such as legendary and funny. The speaker utilized narration by to appeal to his audience, I think this tactic was very successful because his family and friends connected to every story the speaker presented. My Presenter did an excellent job, this type of eulogy was very effective because the speaker provided the audience great memories and was filled them with humor so the audience reminding the audience how funny there love one