Rhetorical Analysis Of Booker T Washington's Speech

Words: 670
Pages: 3

Reading Response to “Atlanta Compromise Speech” Booker T, Washington was an African-American spokesman that delivered a speech, known as the Atlanta Compromise, on September 18, 1895, Washington delivered his speech to a white audience to discuss the acceptance of segregation, as long as both races were considered equals. He declared that in order to have progress in the South, formers slaves and whites must work together, “We can be as seperate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress”. If African-Americans accepted segregation and the inability to demand right, then they would receive a free education. Booker T. Washington was a former slave that gave a speech regarding the new role of African-Americans in society. He discouraged and was against the idea of seeking more rights besides freedom, the ability to work freely, and the right to receive an education.”There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all”, …show more content…
Washington status as the first African-American spokesman invited to the Expostion. His speech was a way to establish the newly found freedom of previous slaves, and many followed and supported him because they needed a leader that would speak on their behalf, for their rights. The popularity of his speech was acknowledged when W.E.B. DuBois spoke against Washington’s ideas because he ignores or diminishes the idea of basic rights for African-Americans. This is an important topic to discuss because it gives an understanding of the struggles that African-Americans faced after the emancipation of slavery. After fighting for their freedom, they now needed to fight for their rights,which is difficult if they have a spokesman telling important political leaders that they do not need rights as long as they receive an education, leaving the door wide open for discrimination and