Rhetorical Analysis Of Theodore Roosevelt's Speech

Words: 588
Pages: 3

The 26th President Theodore Roosevelt, was a great supporter of environmental policies and protection. He promoted conservation as a national duty and its connection with progress, patriotism, and morality. His reasons of simple enough for any ordinary person to comprehend; our Nation’s resources are in danger of exhaustion. The more society grows the more the crave for more resources increases. We have to take action against this growing threat.
Consequently Roosevelt encouraged foresight be taken into account, to be mindful of the future generations and to give them a brighter future. The progress mankind has made over the last hundred years is outstanding compared to the last million years. When the rise of civilization came to the peek and industrialization was at its most, the usage of coal and wood were at its most. As he says “Every step of the progress of mankind is marked by the discovery and use of natural resources previously unused.” During the time that the industrial America progressed, man became blinded by the glory of the today and forgot the future. Foresight is what has made our civilization better than the ones prior, Roosevelt used this sort of progress to prove that we must keep improving upon ourselves and the things
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This helped Roosevelt to use America as a clear example of what his speech is all about. The resources are running out at a staggering rate, if we do not do something they will be all but spent. He wanted to conserve more, not just the trees and streams. We must make sure that the water is not polluted for it could damage our crops and therefore us. We need to be mindful of our continuous use of wood and coal, if we use it all today, then what will we do when the desperate hour comes? People of America shouldn’t take this problem lightly as it is the gravest problem in our civilization. As Americans this is our duty as a nation and as