Rhetorical Analysis Of What Is Democratic Socialism, American-Style?

Words: 837
Pages: 4

“What is democratic socialism, American-style?” an article written by Peter Dreier and published on CNN after Bernie Sanders talked about being a democratic socialist. This article's target audience is Americans who wants to understand what democratic socialism is and how have American practiced it. He goes on to say the United States biggest equal rights movements such as: woman suffrage, child labor laws, consumer protection laws and the progression income tax law was led by socialists. Dreier uses a combination of a rhetorical question, a one sentence paragraph, quotes, similes, an inclusion effect and signals the end with phrase to convince his audience socialism is a part of American culture. Dreier uses a rhetorical question to put emphasis on a point. He starts a paragraph with the question “Sounds anti-business?” is both rhetorical and a short sentence. In the paragraph before, he stated how Senator Bernie Sanders believes the United States should learn from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark because they enact socialist policies, and those policies create a greater safety net. The message he is trying to convey to our minds with this question is does socialism have a negative effect on business. He then proceeds to answer his own question with a …show more content…
Stating Americans are in favor of government-run “police departments, fire departments, national parks, municipally-owned utilities, local subway systems and public state universities.” This creates an inclusion effect since his target audience are Americans. Dreier uses a statistic stating 60% of Americans believe "our economic system unfairly favors the wealthy." He mentions a majority wants to do a complete overhaul of our economic system, break up the big banks, and make the wealthy pay their fair share. These statistics of detailing that the citizens want our economic system changed show that Americans are socialist by nature and they have held those socialist views for a