Rhetorical Analysis Ofstartling Finds On Teenage Brains By Paul Thompson

Words: 135
Pages: 1

Rhetorical Precis

Paul Thompson in the article, ¨Startling Finds on Teenage Brains¨ explains that friends of slain teacher Barry Grunow called for the death penalty while a growing crowd of demonstrators outside the courthouse wielded hastily writing placards reading ¨A child is not a man.¨ Thompson asserts Describes what 14 year old Brazill and was involved in the middle school shooting of teacher Grunow. He then explains that his immaturity was evident throughout his incident.Lastly the Author demonstrates that over the last several school shooting happen more frequently in order to stop school shootings the teachers and students need to get along and talk about their problems.The author writes in a serious tone for the reader. The work