Rhetorical Analysis To Kristof's 'Our Blind Spot About Guns'

Words: 450
Pages: 2

That is my right:
Rhetorical Analysis to
Kristof’s “Our Blind Spot About Guns”
This article is not realistic. Cars are so much easier to regulate then guns: you can tell when someone is driving carelessly, but you can’t tell if a person has a gun just by looking at them. Nicholas Kristof, author of “Our Blind Spot About Guns” published in 2014 in the New York Times, argues that while cars are regulated and the drivers drive sensibly is unfair to people who carry a gun legally.
In his article, Kristof states that guns should have tough regulations like most cars do, and gave examples of seatbelts, air bags, and licensing for young drivers. He discusses the fact that cars have killed and scared horses for hundreds of years, but with many safety