Rhetorical Analysis Yezierska

Words: 441
Pages: 2

Throughout Yezierska's narrative, her attitude towards certain situations evolved as she became more experienced. During the beginning of her journey to America she experienced extremely carefree, untroubled, and delightful emotions. These emotions provoked an extremely recognizable tone known as hopefulness. She would be recognized as encouraging towards the people she would encounter and overall produced a genuine encouraging type of personality. Yezierska had no idea what would await for her, other than wanting to fulfill her life of living and experiences the American dream. Her hope she wished for began with her working within “the golden land of flowing opportunity” (par. 6). Yezierska had no doubt in her mind that any unspecified event could ruin her expectations. She was hopeful on what would await for her due to another family from her Russian village fulfilling their American dream and becoming successful.
Throughout the midst of Yezierska’s journey, her freshness vanished due to her leaving her previous employment because she was not receiving payment for the work she completed. Her hopefulness decrease greatly as she began to sound disappointed. Her unexpected sorrow created sad, questionable, and tiresome
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She joined the Women’s Association which worked to help immigrant girls within the workforce find themselves. This experience allowed her to regain the tone of hopefulness for her journey as an American. While the attitude of hopefulness arose, she acquired another tone as sounding quite willing. Yezierska states “I want America to want me.” (par.88), which implies that she is willing to do whatever it might take in order to fulfill her life as an American, even if it did not include following within the normal American dream standards. Yezierska finally, ultimately, understood the complete awareness of the American way of