Rhetorical Devices In Dandelion Wine

Words: 272
Pages: 2

In Ray Bradbury novel Dandelion Wine, he uses a wide range of rhetorical devices to describe Douglas Spaulding Imagination.
In lines 1-30 the author uses literacy terms such as personification and metaphor to describe the morning of Douglas Spaulding. For example, in lines 3-5 “the wind had the proper touch the breathing of the world” shows evidence of personification. Also, another example in lines 15-16 shows metaphor “trees washed together he flashed his gaze like beacon from his light house. The personification and the metaphor both show that there both mentioning his morning.
Towards the middle of the novel the author uses magical diction and once again simile to show the imagination of Douglas Spaulding. For example, in lines 36-38