Rhetorical Devices Used In Animal Farm Essay

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Pages: 4

#9 Evaluate the pigs’ use of rhetoric to maintain control over the other animals. Where do you see this same thing happening in the world around you?

The pigs, Squealer most of all, knew how to convince people using rhetoric devices. This is what kept Napoleon in control of the animals. If he wouldn’t have been such an eloquent speaker he would have been in Snowballs position. I think this is also one of the reasons that Benjamin wasn’t one of the leaders because he definitely had the smarts to be a ruler. The pigs used rhetoric devices to cloud the animals judgement and keep them unaware of what was happening in Animal Farm. He also used the propaganda type glittering generalities to make life on animal farm sound better than it actually was. In this day and age we use the same type of thing. For example presidents always use rhetoric devices in their campagnes. If they didn’t use propaganda or rhetoric devices they wouldn’t win the election.

#10 Using the pigs as an example, do you think that greed and wanting power are part of human nature? How about the other animals—are fear and
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On one hand it taught me that no matter what you were taught to believe as a child that no one is equal. Not all people in this world have the same knowledge or wealth or rights as everyone else and that divides the people. I learned that people will never be equal, no matter how hard you try to make the people equal. On the other hand I learned that you can affect society in a positive way. Boxer inspired everyone at animal farm to work harder and he gained their admiration by doing just that. He changed the way that his society thought of him. They used to think he was a dumb yet strong cart horse. He never did learn the alphabet or how to read, but he did stay true to what he believed in and did all he could for a good cause. Animal farm taught me a lot about the society that I live