Rhetorical Strategies In Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

Words: 496
Pages: 2

When reading the first chapter in Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood” he uses different rhetorical strategies to characterize his view of Holcomb, Kansas. In the first five paragraphs Truman starts off with descriptions of the landscape; the serenity of the plains is an unlikely setting for a tragedy, which makes it all more disturbing when one does occur. He starts by taking the “long view” of its subjects, outlining them from a distance before eventually zooming in to probe the microscopic details of the case, a trajectory that reflects Capote’s own dealings with the residents of Holcomb and Garden City. Some of the rhetorical strategies Capote uses is simile, repetition, and alliteration. Truman's writing in this first section of the book