Richard Rodriguez's Short Story Summary

Words: 983
Pages: 4

Tony and The Babe had just finished getting through bolgia six The Hypocrites, and were crossing into bolgia six and a half Cheaters. They were brought across the river by Alex Rodriguez who admitted that he was using a banned substance known as “boli”. As he was taking them across the river he was crying out to them about how he regrets taking the performance enhancing drugs and how it turned his fans against him. Tony and The Babe felt no sorrow for Alex at all. Finally they had reached the entrance to The Land of the Cheaters. The first thing that they had noticed was the amount of sports stadiums that were in this bolgia. After going through some of the smaller stadiums they went into a big football stadium and saw the patriots playing on the field. Tony and The Babe walked on to the field …show more content…
While they watched the patriots cheat on the field every game they came within one touchdown of winning but always lost. Every player tried to get them to feel bad for the team so that the sports world would forgive them but Tony and The Babe did not change their mind and left. They continued to follow the path and going in and out of stadiums seeing many players that they did not know and players they did know such as Mike Piazza, Sammy Sosa, and David Ortiz. All of these players, even though they used steroids at one point, went on to have hall of fame worthy carriers. As Tony and The Babe kept on the path passing many famous athletes they followed the smell of popcorn and hotdogs to a massive baseball stadium. Barry Bonds was the player that resided here in this stadium surrounded by empty seats trying to hit home runs but the only thing he could do was strike out or hit ground