Essay on Richard the 3rd

Submitted By nguyens
Words: 1033
Pages: 5

Richard III (1592) :

what you have to understand about the character Richard is, he is extremely honest to himself and is capable of drawing out and exploring everyone else's faults (basically becomes exquisitely in tune with them) and takes advantage of them and plays off them as they arise. This is where he is most dangerous (quote) "It's the women's fault". He is also well aware of deception directed towards him. He wants the throne for himself and does so by killing off any other heirs. His eldest brother, King Edward, is dying and richard needs him to kill Clarence before he dies, so he sets it all up and both Edward and Clarence die. Then Richard also kills off the children, hastings, rivers and anne (plus other) to get there.

The quote
"This day should Clarence closely be mewed up
About a prophecy which says the 'G'
Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be." (Act 1 Sc 1)
-is basically a prophecy told to King Edward has been set up by richard on his way to gain the throne. In the eyes of the king, 'G' stands for Clarence's first name 'George', but it actually stands for 'Gloucester', which Richard is the duke of.

Richard also heavily uses double meaning for example "Brother, farewell. I will unto the king" this quote in Act 1 Sc 1 is Richard saying a simple farewell to Clarence who believes he is simply saying it because he is parting from his presence, but Richard saying farewell because he will die very soon. this is backed up by "Well, your imprisonment shall not be long" a couple of lines later pertaining to his quickly approaching demise.

you should also take notice of use of irony throughout the play "Cursed the heart that had the heart to do it" (Act 1 Sc 2 by Anne) this is also a very important scene as it exposes Richards seductive side. while he claims he is 'rudely stamped', Shakespeare exposes his ability to seduce simply through a tennis match of words between Anne and Richard with richard twisting anne's words somewhat. He is actually most deceitful when he is really telling the truth, because the real truth is too unbelievable. "But since you teach me how to flatter you" Richard actually manages to turn a woman who starts off cursing him, to being persuaded into later becoming his wife (whom he kills, because she is needless to him) Two really useful quotes follow after she exits, which display to the audience Richards intentions for Anne and the future:

"Was ever woman in this humor wooed?
Was ever woman in this humor won?" and "I'll have her, but I will not keep her long."

Looking for Richard (1996):

Looking for Richard incorporate the famous Al Pacino. you should his other films such as Scarface, to really get an understanding of him as a person and how he acts. the main question when you face this docu-drama is "how does he make it accessible to modern american audiences?" the answers are:

themes choice of costuming - Elizabethan soundcraft techniques (such as camera angles, interviews, voice over, switching between fully costumed to arguing around a table...etc) dialogue settings

the technique of switching between practising and then in costume is a highly effective technique used by Pacino to create a modern setting. Also, seeing behind the scenes, when actors are arguing and discussing and stumbling through the text just like a anybody else etc. allows the audience to feel more on the same level as the actors and not as if they are simply watching that can do things they can't.

Al Pacino uses the fact the R III is a play full of irony, so the film is also full of irony. "Irony is just hypocrisy with style" (Barbara Everett) definitions of irony: wishing people good speed, but actually wishing them to their death.

you'll notice that Pacino is actually a little obsessed with richard and is almost a bit conceited when it comes to playing his part. you see that queen elizabeth's and richmond's .