Road to Persistance Essay

Submitted By elflaco212
Words: 1790
Pages: 8

David Hernandez
ENG 101 Road To Persistance

Rebellion took different forms and situtuations in my life. I would call many of these my resistance to comply because of my own judgement leading me to. The authority role in my house hold was played by a single parent called my mother which played both father and mother as far as I can rememeber. She had always kept her ground in order to keep me on the right path, with much dedication to her craft. Little did she know that I've been acquiring a skill from her called persistance. I've also been a good listener trying not to give my mother many obstacles but at times it was hard to come to understand her motives. When I felt strongly against her ruling I've focused all of my tension and gave her an arguement worth her time. I figured I woud let my frustration be voiced since I was never allowed a win any arguements. Atleast she was able to find amusement at the many failure attempt I gave in many of my rants. As my thirteenth birthday started creeping in I felt a new growth within me. It was either that or I've been studying up on Martin Luther King jr a tad too much. I felt it was time to take another stand. It's been haunting me as far as I could rememeber. My higher authority has been depriving me from owning my own bedroom television. Instead I was told I was too young and forced needed to drag my lifeless body on saturday mornings to lay on my raggedy couch which I despised in order to watch television. This year around It was time for a change, its was going to be war as I was not going to stick around as I were bossed around. I began to adapt many characteristics that played in MLK's letter to birmingham. Instead of direct action I chose a non violent action towards my authority. I sat down with her and explained my sorrow of a lifeless room. I even quoted MLK as such "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny". My words echoed the room as I told her these injust laws were defecating my soul and we needed to come to an agreement as I wasn't going to stand and watch anymore. I told her with my birthday being weeks away I deserved it. She shuckles as a smirk forms as whispers tell me "You dont earn things over night" as she walks away leaving me defeated onceanother time.

Days went on as my frustration fueled. I stood consistent with my nagging reassuring her I wasn't backing down without a fight. I once again with all the courage building up stood against her and demanded freedom!. My eyes enraged as all my tension was let out as I quoted MLK's letter in my head as he says "Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppresed". I walked up to her once again head high shoulders aligned and told her I was going to be heard. I told her has she came to an agreement as my freedom was being jeopardized. She stayed motionless as she rattled her pots and told me "You have more freedom then I ever had now go do your homework". I circled the house as I commented back qouting MLK as such "law that degrades human personality is injust!. Even with the little power I had I knew it was time to put it to use and that was my projecting thoughts put into words. She shadows me in and gives me the usual smirk and orders me into my room as I inhale gulps of air and released saying "Oppressed people cannot ramin oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself". I felt the a little ball of determination building up inside me, I knew if there was an end I would be the one to reach it sooner or later.

The days sweeped away as my thirteenth birdthday was only three days away. I've been up animosity with each and every arguement I lost. I woke up early saturday morning as the usual routine of having to travel across town to my couch to watch television twisted my stomach yet again. My blood was reaching a boiling