Roanoke Island John White Analysis

Words: 588
Pages: 3

The settlers arrived to the new world on 1587, led by John White. They built their homes on Roanoke Island, abandoned by a previous colony. John had a daughter named Eleanor who was going to give birth to her baby Virginia Dare -the first English child born in the new World and the first parents in the new World.- The island is called Croatoan because the local Native Americans lived there, so I think that the English went to live with the natives because, John White -governor of the new colony- went back to England in order to get much needed supplies. Therefore, we think the people that stayed, went to live with the local Native Americans because they didn't have any supplies to stay alive or use so, they took down their homes and went to …show more content…
John White sail back to the new world was canceled because Spain and England needed all of the ships because they were going to war. The archaeological remains of the Roanoke colonists have suggested that the colonists were taken in by the Croatoan tribe and survived because of the supplies the Native Americans had to help the colonists. This is still theoretical because, there is still a question of why didn't the colonists go back to England, or why did they not get in touch with John White, or any of the members of the group that went back to England. There was also a garnet signet ring found at a Croatoan trading post that suggests that maybe the ring -thought was gold, but is actually brass says Charles Ewen/ECU- survived with a person of the colony and if that person survived maybe some other people did too. Also other objects turned up that were of English and Native American origin. There wa one specific object that turned up that was thought to be too technologically advanced for the Native Americans so archaeologists thought it was of English origin. This information was published on