Robert Mayer Sweatshops Summary

Words: 276
Pages: 2

In Sweatshops, Exploitation, and Moral Responsibility, Robert Mayer talk about the effects, and, more recent, exploitations in sweatshops, and how fashion can affect our economic conditions. While most think exploitation only happens in foreign sweatshops, Mayer says domestic sweatshops mistreatment their workers just as much.
Forms of exploration are first on Mayer’s list of significant effects on economic conditions in retail sweatshops. In domestic fashion sweatshops, “the exploiter gain too much and thus the exploited parties receive less than they deserve” (Mayer, 2004 ,607). Receiving less than one deserves is a problem anywhere, of course. Worse are the working conditions of sweatshops. Mayer explained ‘some sweatshop employers are