Rohl Dahl Analysis

Words: 302
Pages: 2

If I was Rohl Dahl, I would probably be glad that I did put the stinky dead mouse in the jar, even if his punishment from Mr.Coombes hurt. The reason I think that Dahl was glad he did this because, after all, Mrs. Pratchett was ALWAYS rude to the boys when they came in the candy shop. She said things like, "‘I don’t want all the lot of you troopin’ in ’ere if only one of you is buyin.' ‘Now beat it! Go on, get out!’" (The Great Mouse plot, paragraph 16 sentance 2 and 3)

If someone yelled at me like that every time I walked into there shop, I would want to get revenge on them. That was exactly what Dahl did, he was probably glad he got his revenge on the filthy old hag that always terorized them when they went in her shop. Also, another