Role Of Corruption In Macbeth

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Pages: 3

Corruption Within “ Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life” (Saul Alinsky). Decisions based on right and wrong are choices every human makes every day; it is up to the person making them to decide their future with this decision. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it is shown through the main character, Macbeth, how he is on the path to his own corruption because of terrible decisions and actions.
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and a king! What man wouldn’t want to have all of that power in a country? Those three titles were given to Macbeth from the Weird Sisters in his prophecy. No reader could have predicted the series of unfortunate events that this prophecy would bring. The prophecy is what evoked Macbeth’s corruption making him crazed with power. “I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts,/ Cannot once start me.” (5.5.15-17) Macbeth said this to Seyton right before the battle. This quote can be interpreted as Macbeth
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Nobody but his wife, Lady Macbeth, knew about this. Even though he did not want to kill Duncan, he went against all of his morals and murdered. Why did he do this? Macbeth killed Duncan so he could become king, and essentially speed up the prophecy. After struggling with this murder, he took action and killed again. Now, Macbeth had killed his best friend, Banquo, in fear of his prophecy would no longer being true. “Can tell so much: shall Banquo’s issue ever/ Reign in this kingdom?’’ (4.1.116-117) Macbeth asks this when speaking to the apparitions, and in this quote, Macbeth expresses his fear of people knowing what he did and that he is corrupt. This also shows Macbeth’s corruption because he kills someone very close to him just for power. Power made him kill Duncan, and later take the life of