Role Of Manipulation In Othello

Words: 496
Pages: 2

How is manipulation used in both plays? Othello is a play about a black man who is involved with and white women and that was unheard of in those times. Many people have a problem with his relationship and use it against him. Macbeth is a play about a man who is told that he will become the King of Scotland by three witches. After this prophecy he becomes obsessed with power and is willing to do anything to keep the throne.
The similarity between the two plays is manipulation in Othello Iago is trying to manipulate Othello and Cassio so he can get a new rank in position in the military. Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth by building up his confidence so he can keep the throne. People have a tendency to manipulate others to get what they want or make other people look bad because it makes them feel better about themselves.
People manipulate others to get something they want in life or try to make someone look bad. People want other people to look bad because it could help the person who is not doing bad out. In Othello Iago is trying his beast to make Cassio look bad and unstable to hold his Lieutenant rank in the the military, Iago wants Cassio to lose his rank so he can step up and take over because he feels he deserves it more. With that example from the play
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People have a tendency to do this because it they love seeing someone else fail or do bad. For example in Othello Iago has manipulated Cassio so much he doesn't even know the truth anymore and Iago has been watching him fail and he is loving because he is trying to get his rank in the military. There something in the human nature when someone messes up you either feel bad or you don't and the people who manipulate others are the ones who never feel bad about what they do because they are only in it for themselves and watching someone fail at a job they thought they were worthy for makes them feel good on the inside and