Roman Civilazation Research Paper

Words: 537
Pages: 3

Roman Civilazation
Author Name: Student S106243
University of People

Roman Civilazation

Carthage is considerable compared to Rome, we had generally looked Rome become to be more powerful and wealth. Anyway, to get a direct overview and justifiable compare the two Empire lets briefly look at the state of Carthage. According to (Morey 1901) Carthage a great empire on the North East of Africa. Economically, the empire was very wealth and was considered to be t he great merchant of Mediterranean. However, Rome and Carthage were well-known for war, power and strength situated at the western Mediterranean and Italian Peninsula. In paper I am going to look at how Carthage became almost the equal to Rome and showing
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However, Rome was more organized and had spirted efforts to whatever they want to achieve. On the other hand, the Carthage use the wealth muscle to achieve political mileage. My first comparison is based on the action of the
Mamertines who want to help to fight the king of Syracuse. To their reason their first port of call was Rome but they really knew Rome was an ally of the king of Syracuse and help was delayed.
They then seek help to Carthage maybe their action was to bring both empires to war.
Consequently, Rome had conflict with Carthage on the island Sicily and they drove them away.
However, the Roman new that their victory might be short live since the Carthaginians were ill prepared and they never expected to face the Romans. When to Carthaginians started to gain all the cities which have been previously captured it was apparently clear that Rome was not able to match the might fleet of Carthage. I can also point out that even Rome was ill prepared to face the Carthage but due to poor decision (that of ordering the capturing of the Carthage commander) other than forming an alliance their victory was short lived. They drop out of