Romeo And Juliet Fight Persuasive Speech

Words: 277
Pages: 2

They're at it again, the Capulets and Montagues are fighting once again! They have fought an endless fight, I swear Tybalt and Benvolio will never stop. This fight is useless nor is it worth a fraction of a pound. Why must they fight constantly, what is the purpose of it? These rogues cannot stop to save themselves, they will destroy the city within a blink of an eye. Why must they do this?They must be punished - to save the city.

What shall their punishment be? It must be cruel to stop all of their families fighting but not too harsh as to not make the community hate me! What shall it be, what shall it be? That’s the answer! I’ll have them murdered the next time they decide to fight. Then the street will be silent - as silent as the wind.