Romeo And Juliet Tybalt Downfall

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Pages: 2

Tybalt’s Demise
Most people knows the story of Romeo and Juliet, but not everybody focuses on the importance of Tybalt’s character. Tybalt is a member of the Capulet family, specifically Juliet’s cousin. Tybalt is known as the best swordsman in Verona. It seems as if he has a pretty good life, yet he is going to lose it because of his deep hatred for the Montagues and this hatred breeds disaster for him and the other characters.
Tybalt is a very stubborn character. When the Capulet family was hosting a party Romeo was there. This enraged Tybalt to the point where no matter what, he wanted Romeo dead. Unfortunately for Tybalt, Lord Capulet would not let him do such thing. This drove Tybalt mad. “Now, by the stock and honor of my kin, To
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Tybalt was the best swordsman in Verona. This title made him think he was invincible. He would have never thought that he would lose a fight. This reason alone made him choose to duel Romeo because he believed he would never lose. According to this quote, “You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, an you will give me occasion.” Romeo and Juliet- 1. 3. 40, he thought he was the best. if it wasn't for his ego, maybe he wouldn't have lost the fight.
Lastly, all of the reasons I have mentioned fall under one cause. That cause is that Tybalt’s fate was to die. Since most people have read Romeo and Juliet, we can assume that they are familiar with the prologue at the beginning of the story. the prologue states that “A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life” Romeo and Juliet-Prologue. Before we even know the character Tybalt, we already know that Romeo and Juliet are going to commit suicide. This means that when Tybalt and Romeo fight to the death, we must understand that Romeo is not going to die in this scene. He won’t die because he isn't committing suicide. Knowing all of this we can say that Tybalt’s fate is to die.
Tybalt’s hatred for the Montagues ultimately cost him is life. If he wasn't so stubborn, or had a big ego then things may have turned out differently. Unfortunately he did have all those things, which brought him to his fate of death. Hatred breeds disaster, and Tybalt met