Romy Quotes Growing Up

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Pages: 4

High Impact Quotations “My dad used to say makeup was a shallow girl's sport, but it's not. It's armor.” (Summers 84)
In this quote Romy is addressing the fact that she wears a bright shade of red on her lips and nails everyday. For her, having that red displayed is a statement piece, it’s her version of protection against what her classmates say behind her back or the cruel jokes they play. Furthermore, by wearing this bold colour, Romy is staying true to herself, and showing everyone that no matter what hell she is put through she will get up everyday and fight it. Even though wearing makeup is seen as a shallow thing, for most people is another way of gaining confidence in them to prepare to fight what ever might come their way. Similar to how knights put on armor to battle the worst things out there in life.
“My name sounds so… welcome out of her mouth, it makes the next thought in my head: I want you to be my friend and the thought after that: that’s pathetic.” (Summers 58) Here Romy has just met
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She is taken back by her thought of not wanting the baby to be a girl, she then analysis her thought again and comes to the realization that she really does mean it. Romy truly hopes the baby is not a girl. The reason being, that girls, in general are a lot more vulnerable than boys. For example, rape culture emphasizes men’s aggression in sexual advances and/or sexual intercourse and reinforces women to be submissive. Romy feels it more the second time because she really doesn’t this new born baby to be exposed from the moment it is born, it is as if she feels that baby won’t have a chance to lead a successful and undisturbed life. She knows from personal experience that being a girl, that you are automatically a target for men and women whether not it is physically or emotionally, like in the way her female peers say that Romy created a lie (being raped) to attract attention to