Ronald Takaki's A Different Mirror: A History Of Multicultural America

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Pages: 2

Chapter nine of Ronald Takaki's A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America launches off with Wovoka of the Paiutes and The Massacre at Wounded Knee. Wovoka declared himself as the Messiah after a vision where a big flood will wipe out white man and revive the hunted animals and fallen Indians if all Indians perform a dance (214). This proposal of "Ghost Dancing" quickly became popular through Indian country. An agent from South Dakota filed a warning to Washington after witnessing the raging dancing of Sioux Indians in late 1890. In response, the Indian Bureau deeming the arousal and banding of the Indians as threating and worthy of arrest (215). During the arrest, policemen shot and killed an armed Sioux who was later identified as the chief, Sitting Bull. Shortly after, Chief Big Foot surrendered to the cavalry who seized them of their arms and relocated them near the frozen creek Wounded Knee. To reassure the frightened Indians, Medicine man Yellow Bird began to dance but was immediately answered with bullets from the soldiers riping through innocent men, women, and children alike. Chapter ten examines Japanese farmers as they immigrated to Hawaii and the United States in order to escape poverty, hunger, and unrelenting taxes. While the Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907 attempted to prohibit Japanese labors from entry, it allowed women to emigrate as family members …show more content…
In addition, the majority of chapter ten relates to the second course objective because of the unionization of Japanese and Filpino workers and racialized groups which fought against the injustices of Hawaiian labor forces. In what ways was the treatment of the Nisei pre-and-post-Pearl Harbor similar to the treatment of Muslim Americans pre-and-post