Rosie The Riveter Analysis

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Pages: 2

On May 29, 1943, The Saturday Evening Post published a cover image by the artist of Norman Rockwell, portraying “Rosie the Riveter” with a flag in the background and a copy of Adolf Hitler’s racist tract “Mein Kampf” under her feet. Based partly on a real-life munitions worker, but predominantly a fictional character, the strong Rosie with a red and white bandanna became one of the most successful recruitment tools in American history, and the most iconic image of working women during World War II. Though Rockwell’s image of “Rosie the Riveter” is the most commonly known version of the picture, her prototype was actually created in 1942 and featured on a poster for the Westinghouse power company under the headline “We Can Do It!” Also, early …show more content…
history because it can be compared and contrasted to how women influenced the American Revolution. In World War II, women contributed immensely. They worked in aviation companies, military factories and ran businesses. They also worked as nurses, radio controllers and secretaries. Some women also fought alongside men during the war. Women filled in for jobs that were typically done by men. In the American Revolution, women still contributed to the war effort but not as much than in World War II. They worked as nurses, seamstresses, cooks, and maids. Some of them were even secret soldiers and spies sent on missions. But, the standard way women contributed to the war effort was as “camp followers”. These women followed George Washington’s army seeking shelter, food and work while their husbands or relatives were fighting in the war. These women needed the army, and while Washington and many other officers didn’t like to admit it, the army needed them too. In World War II, “Rosie the Riveter” was a great tool to recruit women to contribute to the war effort. But in the American Revolution, there wasn’t really a great tool to recruit women to help in the war. These two wars show how much America changed and how women had begun to be more involved during World War II. The wars can also show how since then, women fight in the military and are very involved during wars